I just witnessed the results of the Israeli Election exits polls. To be privy to this has been such a fantastic event in my life. first off, the presence and importance of multiple party system as opposed to the two party system creates a much broader spectrum of issues. some parties offer singular views on a given topic and other present more diverse issues as a part of their platform. In Israel, the parties compete for a majority of the seats, 61 out of 120. Rarely and almost never has this occured, thus the need for a coalition and compromise with other parties is needed to forge a government. These coalitions can be both positive and negative because a party participating in a coalition wants to have its needs met. Those needs can be a hinderance to the head of the coalition. In this parlimentary system, a minority voice can be very important and can help decide the success of a coalition government. An unknown party called the pensioners, a group that did not compete in the commericials and public debates won 8 seats (out of 120) in the knesset (the israeli government). the pensioners are a group of people that want to give more aid to retirees and education. The social economic situation had been threatened previously while the gap between the upper and lower class grows. Out of nowhere, this group arrives and makes clear an issue that needs to be heard amongst the ever-present security issue that surely has been a center peace to the election. This being said, the pensioners will be seeking out to give a voice to the elder and poor in the hopes to be remembered in the future's political agenda. Granted the larger parties have views on this subject, the pensioners' presence in the government and participation in a coalition will further their cause. This presence of the pensioners can make or break the upcoming coaltions. However, i'm sure the pensioners will side with the majority coalition due to the importance of their goals.
As it looks right now, the government will be left of center. this goverment will be deciding the borders of israel. Will israel return to the 67 borders or will some exchange of land take place, concessions with Hamas? -- who knows? But I am happy to say, it seems the country is going in the right direction -- israel needs to be a voice of peace and remove the archaic and decaying right's aggressive rhetoric.
Maybe this time around, peace will be realized.
and "yeah" for a parlimentary government!!
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